Organising your Community Oil Palm Plantations (English Subtitles)

A film exploring how indigenous and local communities across Indonesia and organising themselves to stand up for their rights and self determined visions of the future, particularly when their lands and cultures are threatened by large-scale oil palm plantation development. Indonesia is the biggest producer of palm oil in the world. This film is based on the voices of indigenous peoples in Indonesia who have directly experienced the impacts of oil palm plantations on the land that they have lived and worked on for generations. The film is one-hour educational film made with 20 indigenous communities in Indonesia. It aims to help community members in oil palm plantations or plantation expansion areas to make informed decisions on the future uses of their ancestral lands. Part 2 contains chapters on Community-Led Alternatives and Community Tactics for accepting or refusing oil palm. (LifeMosaic, 2007)

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Progress or Problem? Oil Palm Plantation (English Subtitles)

Indonesia is the biggest producer of palm oil in the world. This film is based on the voices of indigenous peoples in Indonesia who have directly experienced the impacts of oil palm plantations on the…

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