Karwara, Gente de la Río- teaser

Karwara, people of the river - teaser from Quisca Productions on Vimeo.

This is a teaser for a NEW documentary film about Kukama indigenous people from Peru’s Amazon who are using ancient myths and art to defend their sacred rivers from destruction. Legends about the Amazon’s rivers will be told through animations painted by Kukama children and adults, including the story of the Karwara spirits, or people of the river, who protect the waters and environment. Real-life footage will show how the Kukama live in harmony with their rivers, which they depend upon for survival. (Quisca Productions, 2015)

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Karwara, people of the river - teaser

Karwara, people of the river - teaser

This is a teaser for a NEW documentary film about Kukama indigenous people from Peru’s Amazon who are using ancient myths and art to defend their sacred rivers from destruction. Legends about the…

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Territorios de Vida

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