REDD: A New Animal in the Forest (English)

REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), is a climate change mitigation measure that seeks to reduce GHG emissions by preventing or reducing forest loss and forest degradation. Indigenous peoples living in these forests have urgent messages about REDD, its potential opportunities, and the risks of failure if indigenous peoples rights, and their traditional knowledge and practices are not recognised. (LifeMosaic, 2009)

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REDD on the Threshold

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Our Forests, Our Life! Indigenous Peoples and REDD+

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Introduction to REDD

Introduction to REDD

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REDD - As Part of the Solution

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The Story of REDD: A real solution to deforestation?

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Who’s riding on REDD?

Who’s riding on REDD?

This animation explains why the climate change is happening and what REDD is. (Huma, 2010)

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