Documents - Land Rights

Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Food Security

Rerpot by DFID looking into the questions of the impacts of large-scale land acquisitions (LSA) on local food insecurity and malnutrition levels; and differences in impacts between the international and local investments (Tanner / DFIF and CEIL PEAKS, 2013)

Pushback: Local Power, Global Realignment

If 2009 was the end of the hinterland and the beginning of a new globalized forest era, 2010 was a year of pushback. Worldwide, the news was full of reports of forest communities and Indigenous Peoples pushing back at land grabs and shaping policy at the national and global levels, and of governments countering and trying to contain community rights. This report takes stock of the current status of forest rights and tenure globally, assesses the key issues and events of 2010 that shape possibilities to improve local rights and livelihoods, and identifies key questions and challenges that the world will face in 2011. (Rights and Resources Initiative, 2011)

Losing Ground

The human rights impacts of oil palm expansion in Indonesia. This report shows how Indonesian government policies and palm oil industry practices are harming the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. (Sawit Watch / Friends of the Earth / LifeMosaic, 2008)

Rights-based rainforest protection

In this report, Rainforest Foundation Norway shows how a rights-based approach is both the most effective way to protect the rainforest, as well as the best way to avoid that forest protection leads to human rights violations. (Rainforest Foundation Norway, 2012)

The End of the Hinterland: Forests, Conflict and Climate Change

This report takes stock of the status of forest rights and tenure globally, assesses the key issues and trends of 2009, and identifies key questions and challenges that we have expected to face in 2010. (Rights and Resources Initiative 2009)

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