Documents - Land Rights

Handbook on Community Engagement

A ‘good practice’ guide to negotiating lease agreements with landowning communities in South Sudan, which also makes a usuful read for communities elswhere (South Sudan Law Society, 2011 )

The Commons: A New Narrative for Our Times

The paper by Silke Helfrich and Jörg Haas examplains the concept of the commons and its relationship to debates about property rights. It also looks at the complex relationship between common pool resources and the communities that use them. This presentation is a sketch of current political and social conflicts; it also suggests how the commons profoundly challenges the neoliberal economic worldview. (Heinrich Boell Foundation, 2009)

Rights in Action: Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for Indigenous Peoples Comic

Rights in Action: Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for Indigenous Peoples is a comic book published by Asia Indigenous People Pact. It illustrates the importance and use of Free, Prior and Informed Consent as a mechanism and a process wherein indigenous peoples undertake their collective decision on matters that affect them, as an exercise of their right to their land, territories and resources, their right to self-determination and to cultural integrity (AIPP, 2013).

Free, Prior and Informed Consent and the RSPO

This briefing, launched on the occasion of the 10th Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, draws together the key findings of fourteen studies on FPIC in RSPO member/certified plantations based on the RSPO Principles & Criteria and related Indicators and Guidance, and makes recommendations for reforms in the way palm oil companies honour the principle of FPIC and respect customary rights to land. (FPP / SawitWatch, 2012)

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2012

In its flagship annual publication MRG documents hundreds of case studies about marginalized groups who have been adversely affected by exploitation of the resources found on, or under, their ancestral lands. It also considers land rights around the world. (Minority Rights Group, 2012)

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