Documents - Forests and Climate Change

The Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia: A Regional Review

This report reviews the economics of climate change in Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam. It confirms that the region is highly vulnerable to climate change, demonstrates that a wide range of adaptation measures are already being applied, and that it has great potential to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions globally. (Asian Development Bank, 2009)

Wild Money

The Human Rights Consequences of Illegal Logging and Corruption in Indonesia’s Forestry Sector (Human Rights Watch, 2009)

Rights-based rainforest protection

In this report, Rainforest Foundation Norway shows how a rights-based approach is both the most effective way to protect the rainforest, as well as the best way to avoid that forest protection leads to human rights violations. (Rainforest Foundation Norway, 2012)

The End of the Hinterland: Forests, Conflict and Climate Change

This report takes stock of the status of forest rights and tenure globally, assesses the key issues and trends of 2009, and identifies key questions and challenges that we have expected to face in 2010. (Rights and Resources Initiative 2009)

Seeing ‘REDD’? Forests, climate change mitigation and the rights of indigenous peoples

Description (Forest Peoples Programme 2009)

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