Documents - Forests and Climate Change
Opening Pandora’s Box
Mining, oil and gas: the impact of these extractive industries has always raised serious social and environmental concerns. However, this report signals a wake-up call to the fact that, today, the scale, expansion and acceleration of these industries are far greater than most of us realise. We are no longer talking about isolated pockets of destruction and pollution. Nowadays, chances are that, no matter where you live on Earth, land acquisitions for mining, oil and gas might soon be at your door. This trend is now a major driver of land grabbing globally, and poses a significant threat to the world’s indigenous communities, farmers and local food production systems, as well as to precious water, forests, biodiversity, critical ecosystems and climate change. (The Gaia Foundation, 2012)
A Training Manual on Advocacy, Lobbying and Negotiation Skills
Indigenous peoples assert that rights cannot be compromised; however, indigenous peoples’ delegates have recognized the need to strengthen existing skills and capacities for lobbying and advocacy. AIPP member/partner organizations pointed out the need for a manual to help empower indigenous peoples with knowledge and skills for effective advocay and lobbying to help empower indigenous peoples with knowledge and skills for effective advocay and lobbying. Thus AIPP developed this training manual on “Advocacy, Lobbying and Negotiation Skills for Indigenous Peoples in Climate Change and REDD+.” (AIPP, 2013)
Our Climate, Our Say!
Community briefing on climate change. An excellent resource introducing the issues of climate change and climate justice. (Friends of the Earth International, 2011)
Nature is not for Sale!
Respect communities' rights. Stop the takeover of nature by finance! In the run up to the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Friends of the Earth France launched their ‘Nature is not for sale!’ campaign, to highlight the dangers of putting a price on nature. Making nature, ecosystems and water tradable will not solve our current global crisis and this short and accessible citizens’ guide explains why. It also criticises the finance sector’s ‘Natural Capital Declaration’ which outlines new market mechanisms which the finance sector aims to use as part of the so-called ‘green economy’. (Les Amis de la Terre France, 2012)
Where are the trees?
APP and and its mother company Sinar Mas announced the policy in February as "an end to the clearing of natural forest across its entire supply chain in Indonesia, with immediate effect." However, a new Eyes on the Forest (EoF) analysis that looks at all APP concessions – including those not covered by the moratorium - show a different picture. (Eyes on the Forest, 2013)