
Trading carbon: how it works and why it is controversial?

In the drive to tackle climate change, carbon trading has become the policy instrument of choice among governments. It is also a central element of the UNFCCC’s Kyoto Protocol. Yet carbon trading remains highly controversial. Some see it as a dangerous distraction and a false solution to the problem of climate change. This report deals with each of the three basic components which underpin the trade in carbon quotas: cap and trade, carbon offsets and trading transactions. (FERN, 2010)

Reducing forestry emissions in Indonesia

This report published by Center for International Forestry Research outlines the current status and trends for Indonesia's forests and stresses that forest conversion must cease for Indonesia to achieve emissions reductions through forestry, since expanding plantations alone will not suffice. (CIFOR, 2010)

Pushback: Local Power, Global Realignment

If 2009 was the end of the hinterland and the beginning of a new globalized forest era, 2010 was a year of pushback. Worldwide, the news was full of reports of forest communities and Indigenous Peoples pushing back at land grabs and shaping policy at the national and global levels, and of governments countering and trying to contain community rights. This report takes stock of the current status of forest rights and tenure globally, assesses the key issues and events of 2010 that shape possibilities to improve local rights and livelihoods, and identifies key questions and challenges that the world will face in 2011. (Rights and Resources Initiative, 2011)

The Economics of Climate Change in Southeast Asia: A Regional Review

This report reviews the economics of climate change in Southeast Asia, with a particular focus on Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam. It confirms that the region is highly vulnerable to climate change, demonstrates that a wide range of adaptation measures are already being applied, and that it has great potential to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions globally. (Asian Development Bank, 2009)

Carbon Footprint of Indonesian Palm Oil Production: a Pilot Study

The impacts and opportunities of oil palm in Southeast Asia: What do we know and what do we need to know? (World Agroforestry Centre / ICRAF SE Asia Office, 2009)

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