LifeMosaic’s latest film now available in 8 languages

Screening of Facing Extinction Defending Life with our Indonesian partners PD AMAN in Osing

This film is available in Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Maa (Maasai), Ilocano (Philippines), Thai, and Indonesian.

Namrik (Colombia) and Wayana (Suriname) indigenous languages are soon to be released.

Do you need an alternative language? Contact us to discuss your needs.

You can screen directly from this website, or download a version and screen it offline.

Information on more examples of screenings coming soon!

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LANÇAMENTO DO FILME BRASIL : Enfrentando a Extinção, Defendendo a Vida

23rd Jun 2023
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© 2024 Copyright LifeMosaic
LifeMosaic is a Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered company number: SC300597) and a Charity Registered in Scotland (Scottish Charity number: SC040573)