Take Part in a Plan de Vida Workshop in Govan, Glasgow

(Photo Galgael)

In these uncertain times, too often our destinies are decided by distant power structures over which we have no say.

The Plan de Vida or Life Plan is an exceptional approach for communities to re-envision and take control of their futures, first developed by the Misak indigenous people in the Colombian Cauca and later adopted by hundreds of indigenous peoples across South America.

Jeremias Tunubala (Photo LifeMosaic)

This November we invite you to to take part in a unique two-day event joining Misak leader Jeremias Tunubala, The GalGael Trust and LifeMosaic in Govan, Glasgow. What can we learn from the Plan de Vida? What is already happening in Scotland and how can we build on these experiences and opportunities?Given the interest surrounding the Community Empowerment Act, is there potential to go beyond asset transfer alone, to community ownership of our futures? How can we move from engagement and consultation to community-led visioning and planning? How can young people play more of a role, rooted in their communities story? How can Scottish communities determine their own destinies?

We are particularly inviting community members and practitioners engaged in community-led approaches, to share our experiences and develop our practice. We also want to particularly invite young people who are active in their communities.

DATES: Thursday Nov.17th and Friday 18th 2016 

TIME: 9.30am - 5pm 

WHERE: Clyde Community Hall, 41 Whitefield Road, Glasgow G51 2YB

Go here to book your tickets

The Friday Session will be followed by an evening of entertainment and a celebration to welcome indigenous Misak leader Jeremias Tunubala, to celebrate 10 years of LifeMosaic, and to look forward to 20 years of GalGael in 2017. The lovely Lorraine & The Borderlands will be playing and we're lining up some other wonderful acts for you.  This event will be held at GalGael HQ from 6-9.30pm, Friday, November 18th. 

This is a fundraising event and all are welcome. Book a ticket for the evening celebration here

Tickets are also available on the door or may be purchased by contacting Angeline at GalGael (0141 427 3070 / comingyet@galgael.org)

We hope you can join us!

Related Project:

Self Determined Development

Helping indigenous communities build their capacity to protect their cultures, knowledge and territories and to determine their own futures

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LifeMosaic is a Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered company number: SC300597) and a Charity Registered in Scotland (Scottish Charity number: SC040573)