News - Large Scale Developments

Chevron uses deep pockets to win Ecuador legal battle

16th May 2014
Amazon residents set back in mismatched litigation with US oil giant, but fight for justice continues (Lauren Carasik / Al Jazeera America)

When Cowboys and Indians unite

2nd May 2014
Inside the unlikely alliance that is remaking the climate movement (Kristin Moe / Waging Nonviolence)

Indigenous protesters occupy Peru’s biggest Amazon oil field

28th Apr 2014
Around 500 Achuar protesters are demanding the clean-up of decades of contamination from spilled crude oil (Dan Collyns / The Guardian)

The struggle over Sumak Kawsay in Ecuador

22nd Apr 2014
I wrote this knowing a friend and activist from Junin is illegally being kept in jail for defending his land, his community, the unique environment of Intag's Cloud Forest, and fundamental human rights. (Carlos Zorrilla / Upside Down World)

Indigenous communities demand forest rights, blame land grabs for failure to curb deforestation

25th Mar 2014
Indigenous and forest-dependent peoples from Asia, Africa and Latin America have called for increased recognition of customary land rights in order to curb deforestation and ensure the survival of their communities. (Diana Parker / Mongabay)

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