News - Cultures & Languages

It’s a boat. It’s a school. It’s a livelihood booster
20th Oct 2017
Each year, during the monsoon season, millions of children in Bangladesh miss out on education when schools are forced to close because of flooding. (By Mohammed Rezwan)

Cree app launched by the Athabasca Tribal Council to help preserve indigenous language
10th Mar 2017
The Athabasca Tribal Council wants to make sure indigenous languages are not lost. So they created an app to put language back into the hands of youth. (By Global News)

When languages die, ecosystems often die with them
16th Jul 2014
You probably know that much of the world's environment is under threat. But a new study says languages are disappearing alongside plants and animals. (Source PRI)

India’s Barefoot College lights up the world
15th Jan 2014
In Rajasthan India, local women bring their villages to light. (Source Al Jazeera)

Indigenous Education and the Prospects for Indigenous Survival
29th Dec 2003
Author Bartholomew Dean for Cultural Survival
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