Book Serialisation

Credit: Nanang Sujana / LifeMosaic

Please read the Introduction and Summary, the first chapter of the book to be serialised. The rest of the book will be serialised in English and Indonesian during much of 2015.

This book is for grassroots leaders, activists, educators and movement-builders in Indonesia and beyond, for all those participating in systemic change towards a more equitable and sustainable future, with the hope that in these pages there is a spark that gives you energy on your journey.

Grassroots Leadership and Popular Education in Indonesia is based on interviews and conversations with dozens of indigenous leaders and elders, activists, educators, and movement-builders, who all identify the need to train more leaders to share in the task of social and environmental transformation. This is a conversation that is taking place across many movements, with ever greater urgency.

Consisting of 9 chapters, the book analyses the difficult context in which Indonesian movements operate; reflects on critiques and challenges facing existing leadership models; presents approaches (such as participatory leadership and popular education) that help to grow and share leadership for systemic change; describes initiatives in Indonesia, the Philippines and Latin America that can inspire leadership training programmes; provides suggestions for learning needs assessments and curriculum development; and makes concrete recommendations to support increased grassroots leadership development.

Building on existing knowledge and skills, now is a time to rebuild the conditions that support the emergence of new grassroots leadership. Designed to inspire and inform that task, the book sets out to analyse and recommend ways to support grassroots leadership development and popular education in order to strengthen Indonesian movements for social and environmental change.

How to get the book?

Please read the Introduction and Summary, the first chapter of the book to be serialised and subscribe to LifeMosaic mailing list to receive the next chapters. You can also send your comments, critiques and stories to, or leave a comment on facebook and twitter with #GrassrootsLeaders #Popular Education hashtags.

Happy reading, and please join in the discussion!

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