(3) August 2020

In Colombia’s Farthest Reaches, These Groups are Battling Covid-19

Working closely with indigenous groups and rural communities, an air patrol and a nonprofit group have pivoted their approaches to fight the disease’s spread. SOURCE : Direct Relief By Talya Meyers

From colonialism to COVID-19, Indigenous peoples show resilience in the face of evictions

An article by Joan Carling and Mike Taylor with special emphasis this year on resilience in the face of COVID-19, it’s time to turn the spotlight on the strength and dignity of Indigenous peoples and acknowledge the contribution they make protecting our planet. SOURCE : By Joan Carling and Mike Taylor published on TowardsFreedom.org

Amazonian Indigenous Peoples and COVID-19: ‘We’re not still waiting for help as we know it’ll never arrive’

The Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon and across the Americas have centuries of experience facing deadly threats. The COVID-19 pandemic has now been added to the list of threats that the uncontrolled extractive activities of hydroelectric, oil, mining and timber companies represent. SOURCE : By Nadino Calapucha, COICA (translated by Amnesty International)

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