(5) May 2020

Native Alaskan Villages, Once Devastated by Spanish Flu, Are Taking Action Against Covid-19

To keep history from repeating itself, remote Native Alaskan communities are isolating themselves even further, and working to procure tests and other supplies. SOURCE : Direct Relief, Article by Leah Campbell

Coronavirus impact on world’s indigenous, goes well beyond health threat

According to the new UN independent expert on the rights of indigenous peoples, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on the world’s indigenous peoples that stretches well beyond the immediate threat to their health. SOURCE : UN News

As COVID-19 takes off in Latin America, Amazon indigenous groups fear the worst

‘There are no doctors and no health infrastructure in these communities. There is no education, no phone connections, no computers, no internet.’ SOURCE: The New Humanitarian by Paula Dupraz-Dobias

Farmers walk from N. Sumatra to Jakarta to demand Jokowi settle land dispute

Hundreds of farmers have walked thousands of kilometers from their homes in Deli Serdang regency, North Sumatra, to the capital city. SOURCE: Nina A. Loasana The Jakarta Post

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