(4) June 2015

World Bank Projects Leave Trail of Misery Around Globe

In developing countries around the globe, forest dwellers, poor villagers and other vulnerable populations claim the World Bank -- the planet’s oldest and most powerful development lender -- has left a trail of misery. (Kushner, Langat, Chavkin and Hudson / icij.org)

Malaysia: Long journey to land recognition

Communal forest land has been a bone of contention between indigenous people and the state for the longest time with the Government expected to decide on the issues soon. (Admin / Indigenous Voices in Asia)

1,000 Ata Manobo kids fail to enroll after DepEd closed IP school

DepEd closes NGO-run school on accusations that it teaches the communist ideology and is strongly supported by the New People’s Army. (Philippines News Agency / interaksyon.com)

Inter-ethnic Summit Brings together 25 Indigenous Nations to Strengthen Resistance

Government of Argentina refuses to meet indigenous peoples (Fionuala Cregan / Intercontinental Cry.org)

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