(4) July 2013

Colombian town says ‘no’ to gold mine

People in a farming town in central Colombia voted overwhelmingly against global corporation AngloGold Ashanti’s La Colosa gold mine. (Vieira / IPS)

Brazil’s Indigenous Demand ‘No More Dams’

The fight continues between the Brazilian government pushing to bring another hydroelectric dam to the Tapajós river basin in the Brazilian Amazon and the indigenous Munduruku people who live there. (Luciane Salles / Global Voices)

Indonesian Court Ruling Gives Land Rights Back to Millions of Indigenous

On May 14 Indonesia’s constitutional court ruled to modify the language of a 1999 law, effectively placing millions of hectares of previously government-controlled forest land back into the hands of indigenous peoples. (First Peoples Worldwide)

Biofuels get a dubious boost

In an unexpected move, European parliamentarians have approved a new biofuel regulation that will take emissions from indirect land use change into account. The new text allows the biofuel sector to expand, sending a clear signal to world food markets and jeopardising food security for the world’s poorest. (Bauwens / IPS)

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