
World Indigenous Peoples Day 2016

10th Aug 2016
LifeMosaic took part in celebrations held in Jakarta for World Indigenous Peoples Day.

Café of R ’ S Recycled, Repurposed, Reinvented

7th Aug 2016
A social enterprise cafe called Advocafé in Manila, the Philippines.

So Long, Phone Companies. Mexico’s Indigenous Groups Are Getting Their Own Telecoms

27th Jul 2016
Members of the Mixe, Mixteco, and Zapoteco people will soon have their own mobile cellular telephone network that will allow at least 356 municipalities in the States of Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Puebla, and Veracruz, to access mobile-telephone services and the Internet. (Source: Global Voices)

Teritories of Life Launch, Kenya

1st Jul 2016
In June, LifeMosaic brought the Territories of Life toolkit to Kenya, in partnership with the Kivulini Trust and the Waso Trustland Project.

Brazil’s giant dams risk destroying heart of the Amazon, says Greenpeace

15th Jun 2016
Construction of 40 dams in the Tapajós river basin would severely affect indigenous people and is not justifiable economically, says new report (Vidal / The Guardian)

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LifeMosaic is a Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered company number: SC300597) and a Charity Registered in Scotland (Scottish Charity number: SC040573)