
Amazonians call on leaders to heed link between land rights and climate change

4th Nov 2016
As Paris climate agreement comes into force, inhabitants of Amazon rainforest demand recognition of key role their communities play in conservation (Collyns / The Guardian)

LifeMosaic-CINEP workshop with Wiwa youth in Colombia

3rd Nov 2016
LifeMosaic and CINEP teamed up to bring our Territories of Life toolkit and workshops to youth from three Wiwa communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Lead-up to COP22: Re-examining Indonesia’s land and forest fires

3rd Nov 2016
A new CIFOR study shows that to identify responsibility for the problem of forest and land fires, maps and satellites are not enough. (Dayne / CIFOR)

Take Part in a Plan de Vida Workshop in Govan, Glasgow

2nd Nov 2016
We invite you to to take part in a unique two-day event joining Misak leader Jeremias Tunubala, The GalGael Trust and LifeMosaic in Govan, Glasgow. Open to all community members and practitioners engaged in community-led approaches, please sign up to attend on the 17th & 18th of November. We are also holding our ten year celebration at Galgael HQ after the Friday session - All welcome!

244 Cameroonian farmers bring SGSOC palm oil plantation to justice

4th Oct 2016
Yaounde - Local communities affected by a large-scale palm oil plantation took their case to the Court of First Instance in Bangem, south-west Cameroon, with the first hearing set for 9 November. Greenpeace Africa, who documented the abuse made by the company for the last seven years, launches a call in support for the communities. (Greenpeace / Press Release)

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LifeMosaic is a Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered company number: SC300597) and a Charity Registered in Scotland (Scottish Charity number: SC040573)