
It’s a boat. It’s a school. It’s a livelihood booster

20th Oct 2017
Each year, during the monsoon season, millions of children in Bangladesh miss out on education when schools are forced to close because of flooding. (By Mohammed Rezwan)

First global pact backing indigenous land rights launched

3rd Oct 2017
The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility dedicated to securing the land rights of indigenous communities worldwide has been formally launched. (The Straits Times)

Six farmers shot dead over land rights battle in Peru

6th Sep 2017
The victims were targeted by a criminal gang who wanted to use their lands to grow lucrative palm oil, according to local indigenous leaders (Collyns / The Guardian)

‘We’d rather die than lose’: villagers in Indonesia fight for a land rights revolution

4th Sep 2017
A small community on the island of Sumatra is at the heart of a battle for traditional territories that could finally resolve the muddled and exploitative system of laws governing land ownership in Indonesia. (Bevins / the Guardian)

Philippine palm oil plan ‘equals corruption and land-grabbing,’ critics say

31st Aug 2017
With its renewed promotion of what it calls the “Sunshine Industry,” the Philippine government is looking to cultivate another one million hectares of oil palm, 98 percent of which would be on the island of Mindanao. Critics worry expansion of the country’s palm oil industry will benefit large companies at the expense of small farmers, forests, and water quality. (Miller / Mongabay)

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