
Indigenous peoples’ rights violated and traditional lands in Guyana threatened by mining

18th Feb 2013
At the beginning of 2013, indigenous peoples in Guyana are becoming increasingly alarmed over continuing and growing disregard for their legitimate rights by miners and government agencies and gross rights violations which have been endorsed by the judiciary in two recent cases. (FPP)

Indonesian governor proposes opening protected areas to logging

17th Feb 2013
The governor of Indonesia's Aceh Province on the island of Sumatra has proposed opening up more than 50,000 hectares of protected forest to logging, according to a new analysis by an Indonesian environmental group. (Butler / Mongabay)

Colombia halts mining multinationals in indigenous territory

13th Feb 2013
A judge suspended Monday all activities by mining companies in nearly 50,000 hectares of indigenous lands in northwest Colombia. (Colombia Reports)

After Indonesian paper giant commits to no deforestation, pressure mounts on its biggest competitor

12th Feb 2013
After Indonesian paper giant Asia Pulp & Paper's announcement last week that it will no longer source fiber produced from destruction of tropical rainforests, environmental groups are now urging Indonesia's other major paper company to make a similar commitment. (Butler / Mongabay)

Deadly Conflict Over Honduran Palm Oil Plantations Spotlights CEO

8th Feb 2013
An overview of the Honduran Bajo Aguan Oil Palm conflict (Jennifer Kennedy's Corpwatch Bog)

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