
Brazilian Tribe Opens Indigenous Education Center

30th Jun 2013
An education center created by the Paiter-Surui tribe in the Brazilian Amazon that will offer professional courses to the area's indigenous has finally opened. (Global Voices)

Straightening out accounts on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon

20th Jun 2013
Between August 2011 and July 2012, 4,571 square kilometres in the Amazon were deforested – the lowest annual rate since the Institute of Space Research (INPE) began satellite monitoring in 1988, and 27 percent lower than in the previous 12-month period. (Frayssinet / IPS)

Success: Soliga tribe’s forest rights upheld in court

19th Jun 2013
A village belonging to the Soliga tribe in southern India has won an important court victory after its entire stock of honey was seized by local forestry officials in May. (Survival)

Resurgence of indigenous identity in the crossfire in Brazil

19th Jun 2013
The “national strike” organised Friday Jun. 14 mobilised a few thousands of farmers in some places and a few hundred in others. But the protests and roadblocks were only part of an ongoing offensive by landowners and agribusiness against the creation of new indigenous territories and the expansion of existing ones. (Osava / IPS)

Addressing sustainability and justice in rural Indonesia

23rd May 2013
Indonesian Constitutional Court, responding to a petition from the National Alliance of Customary Communities (AMAN), declared unconstitutional provisions in the 1999 Forestry Law that denied the rights of customary communities (adat) to their land and forests. (Jakarta Post)

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