
8M ha eyed for oil palm plantations

26th May 2014
Environment Secretary of Philippines, Ramon Paje, proposed the conversion of some 8 million hectares of idle, denuded and unproductive lands across the country into oil palm plantations. (Philippine Daily Inquirer)

Chevron uses deep pockets to win Ecuador legal battle

16th May 2014
Amazon residents set back in mismatched litigation with US oil giant, but fight for justice continues (Lauren Carasik / Al Jazeera America)

When Cowboys and Indians unite

2nd May 2014
Inside the unlikely alliance that is remaking the climate movement (Kristin Moe / Waging Nonviolence)

Papua oil palm plans may benefit migrants more than local poor — report

30th Apr 2014
Indonesia may miss out on a chance to boost socio-economic benefits for the poor in the eastern province of Papua unless it creates a development plan to address disparities caused by the rapid increase in oil palm plantation investments, according to a new report. (Julie Mollins - CIFOR / Thomson Reuters Foundation)

Indigenous protesters occupy Peru’s biggest Amazon oil field

28th Apr 2014
Around 500 Achuar protesters are demanding the clean-up of decades of contamination from spilled crude oil (Dan Collyns / The Guardian)

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