Groups in Mexico
According to the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, or CDI in Spanish) and the INEGI (official census institute), over 21% of Mexico's popultaion self-idetify as being indigenous. There are 56 recognised indigenous languages and they are spoken by one in ten of the population.

Siné Comunarr
Siné Comunarr are based in Creel, Chihuahua, and work closely with the Raramuri peoples of the region. We have organised workshops in collaboration with Siné-Comunarr using the Territories of Life toolkit, who continue to use our tools in their work.
La Marabunta Filmadora
La Marabunta Filmadora is a grassroots indigenous organisation that uses participatory video making to highlight the issues they face as a people. We put on workshops using the Territories of Life toolkit with La Marabunta Filmadora, who continue to use our tools in their work.