Groups in Democratic Republic of Congo

The indigenous population of the Congo is estimated at approximately 660,000 people (from the Batwa, Cwa, Baka and Mbuti peoples) i.e. 1% of the Congolese population.

UEFA (Union for the Emancipation of Indigenous Women)

The Union pour l’Emancipation de la Femme Autochtone (UEFA) is an  organization of the indigenous Pygmy women in Bunyakiri, DRC which primarily support the empowerment and recognition of Pygmy women. UEFA used the 'Fever' series as an educational tool in their work with the communities.

ADEV (Action for Rights, the Environment and for Life)

ADEV is a not-for-profit and non-governmental environmental and human rights organisation working throughout the country’s Bas-Congo province. The organisation’s mission is to promote sustainable development based on the protection of the environment and the respect of human rights.

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