Groups in Cameroon

Among Cameroon’s more than 17 million inhabitants, some communities self-identify as indigenous. These include the hunter/gatherer Pygmies, the nomadic Mbororo pastoralists and the Kirdi mountain communities.

LifeMosaic worked in partership with UK-based Living Earth, as well as local NGOs: RACOPY, CENAID and Lelewal Foudation to make 'Fever' available to local native communities.

CED (Centre for the Environment and for Development)

Centre pour l'Environnement et le Développement (CED) is an independent and non-political organisation founded in 1994. The organisation was created as a reaction to the forest management crisis in Cameroon in the early 1990s, during which the country saw a large increase in industrial logging, illegal development and exploitation of forests, illegal poaching, and ecological, social and economic problems caused by this accentuation of commercial pressure on the forest. CED’s mission is to contribute to the protection of the rights, interests, culture and aspirations of indigenous and local forest communities in Central Africa, whilst promoting environmental justice and the sustainable management of natural resources in the region.

CED actively uses and disseminates LifeMosaic's resources both directly to communities and through their networks. CED was the key inviting partner for LifeMosaic's filming in Southern Cameroon in 2014.

Lelewal Foundation

Lelewal Foundation is a Yaounde-based indigenous peoples' organization founded in 2003. Their work focuses on indigenous rights, environment, climate change, research and information dissemination.

Lelewal facilitated dissemination of 'Fever - A Video Guide'.

SEFE (Struggle to Economise Future Environment)

SEFE is a small NGO based in Mundemba, Cameroon. Their mission is to 'Protect Natural environment - Promote community Livelihoods - Ensure Environmental Justice'. SEFE are currently focussing on developing community awareness raising of the impacts of oil palm development including the tactics that the company are using in the Herakles Farms oil palm concession in Southern Cameroon. SEFE hosted LifeMosaic for filming in Cameroon during the Territories of Life filming, particularly focussing on company tactics that Herakles farms have used to expand their oil palm plantations in the Mundemba and Toko regions.

CEFAID (Center for Education, Training and Support to Development Initiatives in Cameroon)

CEFAID facilitated distibution of 'Fever - A Video Guide'  to local and indigenous communities.

RACOPY (Network for Research and Cooperative Action on Pygmies)

RACOPY is a multi-stakeholder platform that serves as a broad coalition to defend indigenous peoples' rights and liaise with the government on indigenous forest peoples' issues.
They distributed 'Fever' films through their extensive network.

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LifeMosaic is a Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered company number: SC300597) and a Charity Registered in Scotland (Scottish Charity number: SC040573)